Anne Carson Posts

The Chat with GG's Literature Award Winner Anne Carson
“Norma Jeane Baker of Troy leverages a millennia-old story of beauty and war to animate a history of the male gaze and the nature of power wielded by …

Shelf Talkers: Under the Tree 2016!
Canada's erudite, well-read indie booksellers have, this month, provided their choices for the best books of 2016.

The Recommend: May 2016
Most of the books we read are the result of one thing: someone we know, trust, and/or admire tells us it's great. That's why we run this series, The Recommend, …

Visceral: A Book List, Part II
Today we follow up Part I of our focus on visceral books: books we feel in our bodies as much as our brains, books that can range from shocking to arousing …